
Two new knifes.

Two new knifes straight from the workbench!

The first one is a special order. Viking style sheath for a Bergo sailors knife. Brass fittings with tinned copper inlay, brass rivets. Leather is treated with a birch-tar leather dressing for a deep, rich luster.


The second one is a viking knife with sheath. Full-grain, vegetable-tanned leather. Brass fittings and rivets. Polished bog oak handle, elk horn and brass bolsters. Karesuando blade.
First price in a warrior tournament this fall (battle.elvegrimarne.se).


1 comment:

  1. The topmost sailor´s knife is a bit alien to that style of sheath, but the sheath is meticulously crafted - as always... love it!

    As for the viking knife ensemble... wish i´d work on your level of craftsmanship.... great work!
